Halloween Bucket List: The Movies You Need To Watch This October

It's the most wonderful time of the year folks! I looooove Halloween time. A big part of this is my love for horror films. It's probably my favorite genre. As a kid, I used to binge watch horror films nightly, in my basement, all by myself. It always left me with nightmares, but hey, I loved them.
I'm a huge fan of spending the entire month of October watching scary movies, so I decided to create a bucket list for you to be able to make sure you see all the good ones. There's all kinds of halloween movies on there including the funny, the classics, and some downright scary movies. Although I have seen most of the movies on there, there are several that I am going to be sure to check off the list.
Some of the movies on the list are actually my all time favorite movies. Here's a couple of my favorites that you should make priority to watch. Just a disclaimer, my "movie standards" are pretty lax, so make sure you check up on a parent's guide if you do get squeamish.
I'll be bold in saying this is one of the best movies ever made. Not a single flaw in the whole movie. It was even the first horror film to win "Best Picture" at the Academy Awards. Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster deliver incredible performances, the cinematography is incredible, and it will literally have you out of your seat yelling at the tv. Seriously, watch this movie.
Last Halloween, Kaden convinced me to watch this movie. I was hesitant because I was unsure of how I would feel watching a full length black and white movie (this was before I matured in my movie watching skills lol). It surpassed all of my expectations, and had me also screaming at the TV (I guess I scream at the TV a lot). Hopefully the ending hasn't already been surprised for you since it is a classic, but even so, you will love watching the infamous shower scene *cue dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun high pitched music*, and getting to know Mother. Hitchcock is one of my favorite directors, and watching this movie will help you understand why. You also might binge watch all of Bates Motel on Netflix, wanting more about Norman Bates (guilty).
If all the pop culture references to this movie are not enough to entice you to watch this movie, know this movie it worth every second of your time. The creative cinematography and amazing performances by Shelly Duvall and Jack Nicholson, will having you feel like you are going mad. You might also spend the rest of the evening looking into conspiracy theories about the movie, and wondering, "Did we really land on the moon?" (Kubric reference).
You've seen the Scream mask all over, but have you actually watched the movie? I watched it for the first time recently, and it became one of my favorite horror films. The satire it uses about scary movies will have you laughing and crying in fear all at the same time. It actually might be one of the scarier movies on the list, and it will defiantly make you jump, or scream, or cover your eyes. One of the three.
How can you not watch Halloween during Halloween?! Make sure to catch the original Halloween, and then head over to the new one coming out this month. I'm telling you, you gotta watch this. Mike Meyers will haunt you in your sleep. Not in the Freddy Kruger type way, but you might see him in the dark corners of your room afterwards. It's one of those fun scary movies though, so I hope I didn't scare you out of watching it ;)
Make sure to fill out the list and post it on your story, so I can see all of the movies you're watching. Tag me in it too! @thatissoshannon @shopshannonsweeney